EIN Number (Federal Tax ID)

Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN) / Tax ID Number

Understanding What, Where, When & Hows of Your Business EIN

us company registration
(Employer Identification Number) EIN Number

SS4 is the IRS form required to obtain an EIN Number (Employer Identification Number, often called Tax ID Number). The EIN Number/Tax ID number can be considered a Social Security number for your business. This usually requires opening a bank account in the name of the business and appropriate payments and accounts for any salary/payroll employees in your company. The StartUSACompany will receive your federal EIN Number electronically and return it to you via email within one business day.

Do You Need a Federal EIN for Your Business Entity?

In general, unless your business is a sole proprietorship with employees and there is no separate legal entity for your business, you need to obtain an EIN Number. Sometimes if you own an LLC and it’s a single-member LLC with simple accounting, you can get it by using your personal Social Security number for tax purposes and to receive payments from customers. But even the simplest businesses can generally benefit from using an EIN Number.

“The Following Business Entities Should Get an EIN:

Partnerships: an EIN is required for all general partnerships and limited partnerships.

Multiple-member LLCs: This type of business entity needs an EIN regardless of whether you have employees.

Single-member LLCs: If you plan to hire employees within the next 12 months, you will need to obtain an EIN. And even if your single-member LLC doesn’t have any employees, and even though you can get by using your personal Social Security number for tax purposes, it’s still a good idea to get an EIN because Many banks and lenders will prefer to use an EIN to do business with you.

LLC is taxed as a corporation: If your LLC chooses to be taxed as a corporation (for example, by electing to be treated as an S-corporation for tax purposes), you will receive an EIN. will need to do.

Sole Proprietorship with Employees: Even if you don’t have an LLC or another legal entity for your business and you run a simple sole proprietorship, you still need to get an EIN if you have employees or for the next 12 months. plans to hire employees. ,

Where & When You’ll
Use an EIN Number

Your EIN is required for many situations in running your business. You will need to use your EIN Number for certain tax forms, such as filing your tax return for your business, filling out W9 forms for customers (if you run a service business), and other forms related to managing payroll for your employees. Your EIN Number is also required to set up a business bank account and apply for a business loan. There are similar reasons for needing a Social Security number in your personal life as well as for using an EIN in managing your business.

How Do You Get an EIN? Apply for an EIN Number Online

Business owners can obtain an EIN by filing IRS Form SS-4. StartUSACompany provides a convenient service to help you apply for an EIN online to obtain your EIN number quickly and efficiently. If you are looking for a way to obtain an EIN Number, whether in Texas, Florida, Michigan, or anywhere in the United States, the StartUSACompany can provide one for you in a day. Apply for an EIN online with StartUSACompany, and we will receive your federal tax ID electronically and return your new EIN to you via email within one business day.

“Apply for an EIN online to obtain your EIN number quickly

Help Obtain a EIN Number /
Tax ID Number

Save your time. We’ll handle the paperwork.

If you would like to use our services to facilitate the filing of your Tax ID / EIN Number, please place the order and a representative of the StartUSACompany will contact you to complete and file the Tax ID / EIN Number in the event of your formation. will receive the specific information required.





Common questions about obtaining an EIN / Tax ID Number

An Employer Identification Number is a tax identification number for your organization and is required by many banks or institutions (such as the IRS) to do business in the US. Once your EIN is received, you can apply for business bank accounts and payment gateways.

Yes, in most circumstances business entities other than DBAs must submit an EIN along with the filed Articles of Organization or Incorporation to open an account.

If it is a stand alone order for an existing entity we can obtain and email the EIN within 1 business day.

Individuals use SSNs, whereas corporations use eINs.

The EIN can be used in place of a Social Security Number, or SSN. It is important to form or do business as an LLC.

Employer Identification Numbers are given by the IRS and kept by the Social Security Administration. Employer Identification Numbers are issued by the IRS to firms that:

1) Sole proprietorships

2) Partnerships 

3) Corporations and

4) Non-Profit Organizations

Every business, corporation, and limited liability company must obtain an EIN. An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is a nine-digit number used to identify the tax accounts of businesses in the United States.

SS4 is the IRS form required to obtain an EIN (Employer Identification Number, often called Tax ID Number). The EIN/Tax ID number can be considered a Social Security number for your business. This usually requires opening a bank account in the name of the business and appropriate payments and accounts for any salary/payroll employees in your company.

If you already have an EIN and your company's organisation or ownership changes, you may need to apply for a new number. The following are some of the situations in which a new number is required:

An established firm is acquired or inherited by a single person who will run it as a sole proprietorship.

  • A sole proprietorship becomes a limited liability company, corporation, or partnership.
  • An LLC, corporation, or sole proprietorship replaces a partnership.
  • A corporation becomes a limited liability company, a partnership, or a sole proprietorship.
  • A limited liability company (LLC) becomes a corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship.
  • When an individual owner dies, the estate takes over the company.

Your Employer Identification Number (EIN) performs several functions. It enables your company to be identified on tax returns and other government papers. It detects every site where you have a presence. It distinguishes you from any other entity filing taxes in the United States with the same name as your company. It also enables you to create bank accounts and obtain credit cards in your company's name without using your social security number.
The EIN's purpose is to uniquely identify a corporate organisation. It differentiates a company from an individual and enables it to open a bank account or seek for credit.

Certain tax benefits are provided specifically to companies, such as:

Losses can be deducted from your income taxes.
When you incorporate, you can avoid paying self-employment taxes thanks to pass-through taxation.
You are no longer individually accountable for business debts or court judgements relating to your company's debts if you opt to incorporate. A company is liable for its obligations as well as judicial decisions.

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