Change your LLC or C-Corp name, address, and more
When you first applied to become a legal business entity, part of the process involved creating the articles of incorporation or articles of organization. The information you submitted included the name of the business, which business structure was best suited to your needs (such as an LLC, C corporation, or non-profit corporation), the name and contact information of the appointed registered agent, effective date The name of the business on which you commenced and the current partners or shareholders.
As time passes and businesses develop, you may find that you are in a position where your business name no longer fits the services you provide, or perhaps your company’s leadership team changes Used to be. Any major event that changes the information on your articles of incorporation or articles of organization must be reported to your Secretary of State by filing an Articles of Revision Form.
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my Amendment
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“Articles of Amendment are typically filed to change the following information:
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Common questions about filing an Amendment
Common changes to file for an amendment with the secretary of state are:
- Changes to the company name
- Updates to the registered agent's contact information
- New company business address
- Director or member information
- Number of authorized shares
- Change in business activities
Most of the items listed in the original articles can be changed by filing amendments other than the filing date, incorporator or organizer. You cannot change a registered agent through an article of amendment.
The information in the articles of organization is a matter of public record, so LLCs need to ensure that their articles of organization on file list the correct information, including the company name, owners and managers of the company. If a dispute regarding ownership arises, the information contained in the articles of organization of the company shall be used to prove who is the owner of the company. It also ensures your legal rights in case a name dispute with another company arises.
The state fee varies by state. Our service fee for filing articles of amendment is $199. To review fees in your state, select the state and entity type in our article Revision Online Form.
The governing state agency will typically return a copy of the filed articles to Company Chamber, which are then mailed to our customers.
The basic information needed includes:
- Your current entity name
- The name you wish to change it to (if applicable)
- The text of the new amendments that you are adopting
- The date on which each amendment was adopted (some states require members or the board of directors to vote to pass these amendments), if there is a delay in the date when the amendment will be adopted and the name and address ( es) who are submitting this document for filing (many states require the signatures of the president and secretary of your company).
These forms will either need to be mailed to your Secretary of State or delivered in person to his office. Some states offer online forms, but like Maryland, online forms are considered faster and may incur additional fees. However, the Companies Chamber can take care of filing your articles of amendment for you.
Filing times are dependent on the governing state agency and vary by state. For example, in California, this process takes more than eight weeks. Many states offer expedited service for an additional fee.